Rates are available for a limited time, for new memberships only and can ONLY be bought through the Steve Nash corporate contact below (not in the club). All questions should be directed to: dhenderson@snclubs.com
Platinum Membership:
All club access – Required only if access is needed to Park Royal or Granville St clubs
Includes all group fitness classes, towel service, steam room and sauna
RETAIL (Sold in club)
12 month contract:
$199.99 joining (potentially waived depending on numbers)
$37.50 bi – weekly
$59.99 annual fee paid after approximately 3 months
No contract:
$299.99 joining (potentially waived depending on numbers)
$44.99 bi – weekly
$59.99 annual fee paid after approximately 3 months
VCH via dhenderson@snclubs.com or 604 682 5213
$0.00 joining
$62.99 per month
$59.99 annual fee
Gold Membership:
All club access except Platinum level clubs – required if access is needed to Yaletown, Brentwood, Richmond (St. Edwards Drive location), and Morgan Crossing
All group fitness classes included in the membership
RETAIL (Sold in club)
12 month contract:
$119.99 joining (potentially waived depending on numbers)
$27.49 bi – weekly
$59.99 annual fee paid after approximately 3 months
No contract:
$219.99 joining (potentially waived depending on numbers)
$30.49 bi – weekly
$59.99 annual fee paid after approximately 3 months
VCH via dhenderson@snclubs.com or 604 682 5213
$0.00 joining
$46.99 per month
$59.99 annual fee
Silver Membership:
All club access except Gold & Platinum level clubs.
Includes regular classes only (Classes NOT included include Zumba, indoor cycling, specialized yoga classes. Please see website for details).
RETAIL (Sold in club)
12 month contract:
$99.99 joining (potentially waived depending on numbers)
$22.49 bi – weekly
$59.99 annual fee paid after approximately 3 months
No contract:
$199.99 joining (potentially waived depending on numbers)
$25.49 bi – weekly
$59.99 annual fee paid after approximately 3 months
VCH via dhenderson@snclubs.com or 604 682 5213
$0.00 joining
$36.99 per month
$59.99 annual fee